
Franchise Form

The primary considerations before you choose a school for your wards are safety, security and health. At WOW KIDS schools, We take these as serious issues which should not be handled with levity.


Our school compound is fenced round and firmly secured with lock to prevent external intrusion. Only authorised persons are allowed into our school environment.

Visitors into the school are made to present Photo identification card and complete visitor’s form to know the purpose of their visit. CCTV cameras are outfitted for security purposes.

Only authorised persons by parents are allowed to pick children after school.

Fire escapes, cap electrical outlets,smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are provided to quickly arrest any fire related emergencies..We have all the required fire safety certificates.


Our sanitation staff are well trained on the importance of hygiene.

The classrooms and toilets are kept clean each day and disinfected with non-toxic substances

Materials for cleaning are kept away safely from the reach of children.

play equipment, toys and furnituare are regularly sanitized to prevent the spread of germs

children learn and form proper hygiene habits for example, they are to wash their hands after using the loo, after playing and before they eat.


Teachers on duty check the health status of children every morning This include among others – checking the temperature and sanitizing their hands

The class teacher notifies the parents immediately the symptoms of illness are discovered

we request for a note from the doctor before administering any medication.

Medicines to be administered to the children are kept securely out of the reach of children.

To ensure the safety of drinking water, children drink from the water purifier.


Our well equipped First-Aid and Emergency kits are made available through out the school and to teachers who have gone through Red Cross training.

In case of accident, we resolve to immediately consult the nearest child care hospital.

We made provision for an emergency phone tree and contact system to disseminate information during emergency.


Staff at WOW KIDS school are made to go through comprehensive medical checkups and are employed only when they are certified medically fit. All WOW Kids staff are required to be trained in first aid .

Staff of WOW KIDS schools carry out their daily duties with passion. They are constantly made to receive in-service training to keep them up-to-date.